"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things
brought together." -Vincent Van Gogh
Starting in January 2010, One! International began a process to brainstorm, examine, input into, the organizational structure of One!
The idea was to consider making changes that would help with the future planning and sustainability of the organization.
Three facilitated sessions were attended by over 15 people committed to the work One! is doing in India, and wanting to help move the organization forward into the future.
At the end of June 2010, a draft structure and list of short and long term priorities were presented to the Board of Directors for their approval.
The Board made some minor amendments, but the essence of the work done in the planning sessions was approved.
The two documents - Organizational Structure, and Short and Long Term Priorities - will form the basics for the organization on both sides of the world for the immediate future. As with all documents of a similar nature, amendments will need to be made over time as new information becomes available.
One! International is very lucky to have such a wonderful group of people who are committed to the sustainability of the work being done in Mumbai with the children and their families.
We are in the process of adding names to the boxes. For example, Wendy Davis has agreed to manage the Give-A-Child-A-Chance Program, and changes are underway.
We are also recruiting members for the Priorities and Strategic Management Committee.
Exciting times for One! International.
" Goals provide the nudge that keeps the slothful from becoming too comfortable."
- Holly Schoenecker