Friday, October 19, 2012

New School in Nallasopara


Due to your fantastic support, One! International was able to build a new school in Nallasopara.
Although we were unable to purchase the land, we are incredibly pleased with our interim solution. The money you have generously donated to the Buy a brick - Build the Future Program, has allowed us to have a 6000 square feet school built to our specifications – 14 rooms, 4 toilets, fenced concrete play space, and open field.

Your funds have helped to build the school and provide the first year's rent on a 10 year lease.

The children, teachers, volunteers and families at One! in India are so proud of their new school, and the credit goes to you for making the school a beautiful reality.

We haven't let go of our dream to buy the land and own the school one day. This solution provides stability for our children and families in Nallasopara for the next 10 years, while we continue to stabilize our Indian Trust, and explore longer term planning. Even though we are not continuing with the Buy a Brick, Build the Future Program at this time - our dream for the future remains.

We hope you will be as happy as we are with this interim solution. Thank you for your donations, your time and your love for our children.
All ready for the ribbon cutting ceremony.

We are making changes to the web page. Continue to watch for the Opening
of the School video which will be posted soon. 
Smiling in the rain. A wonderful day.