Saturday, June 19, 2010

The G(irls)20 Summit

Over the last week in Toronto,Ontario, Canada, 21 girls from all over the world have gathered prior to the G20 leaders meeting. They have been discussing and raising awareness of the issues affecting girls and women from around the world.

The Globe and Mail newspaper has been running a series of interviews each day of the young women.

Tanvi Girotra, aged 19, from India, was asked: "What's the No.1 thing G20 leaders must do to improve the lives of girls and women?"

Part of her response was: "In India, every day, a girl is forced into prostitution by her own husband. Another one is raped on a lonely street. Hundreds of women go through domestic violence in their homes due to insufficient dowry brught by them. Each and every day, a girl ceases to exist. She dies inside."

When asked what she hoped to gain from attending the G(irls)20 Summit, she replied:
"Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." I hope to meet those thoughtful and passionate groups of individuals who, like me, believe that together we can work toward a world where women are not repressed but respected for who they are."

We, at One! International, believe that a small group of people can make a difference. One of our girl students, Mallika, tells us that she wants to study to be a doctor. She certainly has the ability, and the work ethic to accomplish what she desires.

The fact that Mallika feels becoming a doctor is a possible goal, indicates that "a difference" has already been made.

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