Monday, June 14, 2010

Teacher of the Year

The following is an article Tania wrote in January 2010, and it is an appropriate follow up to the last blog.

I feel honoured to be able to write this article on our "Teacher of the Year for 2009 - Vijay Balan.

Vijay joined One! International on December 1, 2008. From the first day that he walked into the school,it was easy to see that he was a very hard-worker and had a heart full of love to give to those he felt needed it. He decided that the children of Nallasopara needed his energy.

In 2009, Vijay played a crucial role in helping to organize the school and make it work more efficiently. As this happened, more and more families heard about us and wanted to join.

Vijay is well respected in the area for his no nonsense way of getting work done and helping not only the children, but also the parents. Everyone knows that if Vijay says it will get done - it will. They also know that he will be honest with them and try the best he can to do any task.

The only problem we have ever had with Vijay is that he works too hard. If he had the choice, he would work 15 hour days every day - we had to enforce a rule that everyone leaves at the same time so that he doesn't!

We are very proud of Vijay and lucky to have him as a very important member of our One! International family.

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