Friday, October 31, 2014



From feedback I've received it seems that most of you are interested in getting to know our children a little better. In this blog I will introduce you to three more children.  Enjoy.
This story of Manda is "dear to my heart". Manda was one of the original children that Tania started to teach in the beginning of One! International in 2001. Now she is working for One! and both of her children are also involved with the school.
Now I will introduce you to Manda's younger sister Kajol.
One more child to introduce in this Blog. 

Next time I will introduce a few more children.  We love to brag about them. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Teacher Honey gave a letter writing lesson to the Grade 10 students in India while Tania Didi was in Canada.

The students were asked to write a letter to Tania Didi.  

We thought you would be interested to see how far some of our students have progressed in their command of the English language, and get a glimpse of how they think. 

Ashok telling Tania about the theft of the school TV, and how he tried to find out who stole it. 

Sanjay giving details of his weekly activities.

Rajshree telling Tania Didi about a bad day at school, and then a good day. 

Rukshar reminding Tania Didi that her birthday is on August 21, and she would like some Canadian candy. 

Vikas explaining the difficulties he is having with Math, and telling Tania Didi that his sister went to Nayan Hospital. 

It is evident in reading the letters - they all miss Tania Didi. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Focus on two of One! International's children.


March 2014

Meet the coolest kid at the One! International school in Khar Danda, Raju! Raju is turning 14 years old this
year and is currently sitting in the Step 8 class. Raju and his family have been a part of One! since its inception, but because of family hardships Raju’s attendance at the school hasn't always been
very consistent. Raju has grown from a skinny, scrappy little kid into one of the “coolest” kids at the school, reminiscent of a young, Indian Fonzie.

Raju has a great sense of humor and is quite charismatic, and he really lets his charm and fun-loving nature
shine through when it comes to the girls students at our school. He is at that age where girls and boy start to notice each other, and because our little Raju is so confident and good-looking, he tends to get a lot of attention. Raju is a good friend and has a great attitude.

 Raju used to be really mischievous when he was younger, especially after his father died of tuberculosis
when he was 7 years old. But Raju has been making some serious improvements over the last few months. He has started taking his school work much more seriously and his grades have improved as a result. He no longer fights with other students unless he feels that his family or friends are being hurt, and only swears when he’s “with the boys”.

 Raju’s attendance at school has also improved dramatically. For the past 13 years, Raju and his older brother Ravi, who is currently sitting in the Step 9 class, would come to the school for a few months, catch up with the students, re-establish ties and then disappear for weeks without a trace, only to show up again as though they’d only been gone for a day. Both boys are incredibly clever, so they never had much trouble
catching up with the other students. But since their family moved to the slum behind the school, both of their attendance has been much more consistent.

 Steps at the One! School are different from our conception of Grades. Instead of placing students together based on age, we try to group students who are at similar developmental and educational levels in the same Step. Raju is incredibly smart, but he still struggles every now and then in class because of all the time he has missed of school and years of inconsistent attendance. At the moment he is learning to write sentences and read short stories in English, write essays in Hindi, human anatomy in science, India’s long and glorious history, as well as multiplication and division in Math. If Raju works hard, he can study with the One! For his Grade 10 exams in two years. Passing the Grade 10 exam is the equivalent of graduating from high school in the West. Needless to say, it opens doors and gives our students access to possibilities never thought possible.

 Because his father died of TB, there is always constant concern about the health of Raju and his family. A year ago, Raju’s broth-er Ravi was diagnosed with Stage 3 TB, and he was about to be sent to a hospital in Mumbai from which few TB patients ever leave due to its unsanitary conditions. Luckily, the school was able to intervene just in time to keep Ravi from going and provide him with the necessary care and medication for him to fully recover. Raju receives regular check ups, but is very healthy.

 In 2009, Raju’s mother remarried. Raju’s step-father has been kind to Raju’s and his brother over the years, and Raju became a big brother himself 5 years ago when his mother had Kiran.
Kiran is a sweet little boy, who occasionally comes to school with his brothers. Their step-father works irregularly selling things, so their mother ultimately supports the family by selling flowers. Ravi and Raju earn their pocket money working at the school doing small jobs and bringing the babies and smaller kids to and from their homes to the school each day.

 But it isn't all work, throughout the year, One! holds special events and programs for our students to participate in like Sports Day, Waterpark Day, the annual trip to other parts of India, and the Annual

 The Annual Program is held at the end of the year, and it a celebration of all the hard work and dedication of our students as well as a chance for the parents to share in the experiences of their children. This was a really special year, instead of each group of students performing their own song or dance, all of our students came together to put on a performance of Annie. All the parts were acted out by our students who had to learn their lines in both English and Hindi! Raju played one of the orphans and had a few lines which her per-
formed perfectly.

 The Annual Trip is reserved for students with good grades, consistent attendance records, and overall great
behavior. Because of his poor attendance for the past couple years, this year’s trip to Kerala was Raju’s first in a long time. He had an amazing time and was really taken with all the natural beauty, something you don’t get much of in the metropolis of Mumbai.

 Raju also had a fantastic time at the bi-annual Sports Day event, where we bring all our students together to compete in a variety of sports. Despite the fact that he is a good athlete, Raju didn’t place in any of the events because is one of the youngest in his age group. He didn’t seem to mind too much though, his favorite sport is dancing!

 We are so proud of how far Raju has come over these years and we look forward to watching him grow
in the years to come.


Mid-April, Anand was involved in an accident with a rickshaw. Leave it to this character to be playing on a rickshaw. The incident left Anand with a badly injured foot, and yet he is still limping around with a twinkle in his eye and mischief in his heart. Not even a severe automobile accident is going to stop this one! Luckily, nothing was broken, but he did lose some skin and muscle. The good news is that there is no need for surgery, though originally doctors thought this would be required. Just like all the tough kids here, Anand is healing and recovering miraculously, though he did spend a few days quietly sitting while the other kids ran and play. For a brief couple of days, he was forlorn and found comfort in a kulfi popsicle or two brought to him by his father. Slowly, his spirit is returning to normal, and though he will probably never have the same range of motion in his foot, he is young enough that he will adapt and find a new way to do back flips and run around like the trouble maker he is.
The situation with Anand’s family has deteriorated, and his parents are no longer together, effectively divorced. Because of this, Anand’s sisters, Radha and Sanjana have been sent away to live with their grandfather in a village. Their absence has been a sad void at school.
As far as school is concerned, Anand is showing great promise; he is smart and knows his letters, but is reluctant to put work in during class time. Outside of class, he has sought English words to copy, which he has done with fervour. His final English exam was strong, and his knack for language comes naturally. He has also found a new friend, Minaz, who is a trouble maker just like him. They have been practicing all kinds of whistling techniques together, but have yet to master the loon call, which one of the volunteers has shown them recently.

We look forward to seeing how Anand grows and changes; he is turning out to be a charming young man with uncanny intelligence and personality!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Losing hope for a Gr 10 MATH grad, Jeetu renewed my spirits! He got min marks (33%) but... a pass is a pass. I'm ELATED & PROUD!  (TaniaDidi) 

Congrats to our Gr 10 students who passed 1 or 2 subjects: Ashok, Sanjay, Vikas, Kokila & Raziya. Feel proud, we are very proud of you!

Superstar NS student Jeetu (18) managed to pass all subjects on the first try. Wow!!! Congratulations. 

Sunil graduated Grade 10! 6 years of hard work & perseverance paid off. Congrats!!! Now onto Grade 12... 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014




The following are quotes from Tania's report for the Board. 
 Our grade 10 students were studying very well in February and we were very excited about having another month to prepare them .....when...Vijay happened to check the exam schedule on March 3rd to find out that exams were bumped a month due to Elections.  Our first exam was two days later on March 5th!!!
Needless to say we have been busy with many 10-12 hour days cramming and preparing.
All Practical Exams are finished:
March 5th Science - our two students (Jeetu and Sanjay) were the only two kids to write.  We had only managed to teach them 15 experiments out of 30 but we got lucky and the two they had to do we had covered.  The examiner loved them and helped them to get everything written perfectly!
March 12th Painting - Sunil (Our grade 10 student who has passed 4 exams and only needs to pass one more subject) was one of 55 students at the exam.  He had to do a still life ( fruit in the middle of the room), any person and a composition of nature.  He met the head lady before leaving and she told him that he was excellent and that he got first in the still life and second on the person and that the third painting hadn't been marked because it was drying.  Later on in the week when we were studying for the written portion of the course, we found out that the Practical exam is worth 70% of the final mark!  Keeping in mind that 35% is a passing grade, there is no doubt that he received at least 35/70 and that he is now a Grade 10 Graduate!!!
March 14th Math - our four boys went after we worked hard at finishing 22 math 'experiments' (math theorems melded with arts and crafts!).  Once again we got lucky and 3 out of the four experiments that were given they knew and they only had to complete two that day.  Some were able to answer questions better than others, but all did well.  There were only 2 other students at the exam.
March 19th Home Science - 220 students were at the home science exam which was divided into 4 sections.  2 of our 7 students went in the first section and were at a huge disadvantage because the list of supplies that they were supposed to bring was inaccurate.. They think that they did well enough but were disappointed.  The other five students were able to gather everything and felt much better.
March 21st Data Entry - 200 students were in computer science split among four sections.  Our 7 students went at different times and were all pleased with what they were able to do even though the expectations were different for each section. One section was told to do all of the 10 questions given, another group was told to do 4 and the other two groups were told to do 7.  Bizarre!
All in all, fantastic news so far.  We have 8 out of the 13 original students writing.  For the other five, their registration will be valid for 5 years, so hopefully they decide to come back. 
Written exams start on Wednesday March 26th and run every 2 or 3 days until April 12th..

All the exams have now been written.  Everyone is waiting with baited breath and fingers crossed to find out the results.  Results may not be sent until June to August.

We are very proud of all the students, and the teachers who have spent hours preparing the students for this very important milestone in their lives.  Many doors will be open to them if they can get their Grade 10 diplomas.  

I will try to be prompt with sharing the results when they are received.


 Although Kokila has been less diligent in doing her exercises -  (Kokila is the girl with extensive burns on face and neck that many of you contributed to medical assistance to save her life.) - she was studying for exams - she is now a very confident young woman who is accepting of her scars and limited head motions, and who is dancing again.  She is thankful to the One! International community for saving her life. 

Sunil and Ashok  help to pack the family give-away bags for the Nallasopara and Khar Summer Fun Programs.

 All smiles and having a great time at the Annual Swim Day.

The "little" students love having a sink that they can reach and use all by themselves.  What a great idea. 

Cleaning after writing on the walls was supposed to be a punishment.  In the end it was the most fun ever.  Is there a lesson in this.  

I hope you have enjoyed this potpourri of items from India.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

One! International Gala 2014 - Believe

    March 2014


I am going to skip a number of Blogs I've been wanting to post and take you directly to the One! International Gala 2014 - Theme: Believe, that was held on 24 January 2014 in Edmonton.

         The volunteers who made the evening a huge success.  

I will share with you some pictures and videos that hopefully will make you feel you were there with us, or if you were an attendee, I hope you enjoy reliving the evening. 

The first thing I will share is a video that was done by Shaw TV for a series they are doing on 'Galas and Giving'.  Ours was the first in the series. We think they did an incredible job of capturing all the important features of the evening and the work being done in India. 

Gala 2014 - Theme: Believe     

Now you have a small taste of what the evening was like. 

         The beautiful young ladies who danced for the guests. 


Two videos were shown highlighting India, the students, teachers and work being done by One! International.  

The first video shows highlights from One! International in India over several months in 2013. 

[The video is accompanied by the song "Rainbow Connection" sung by Kermit the Frog (Jim Henson). The song was published in 1979 (Fuzzy Muppet Songs), Label Atlantic(1979) Walt Disney. Writers Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher.]

The second video was the highlight of the evening.  The children and staff at the two schools in Mumbai India, share with you what they believe in. Their words are very powerful.   


WOW.  Now you understand why the evening was so fantastic.  

The teachers in India asked the older students to write an essay about what they believe.  The winning essay was by Bineet and it is copied below. 

Topic:  Believe

The word belive straightaway explains to me that having faith in someone that he will never let your feelings and respect towards him to die.  And he will never let his thoughts wasted.  One part of belief is also to trust someone with respect that he will never cheat you in anything in anytime or anywhere in your whole life.
Human life starts with a belief.  When a baby comes in the world he only knows his mother and he only believes in her.  When he get to the age of 5-10 he gets the idea about his father and other relatives and then he is able to trust or believe  them.  When he is in the teen age he makes his own friends and spends time wand after home time he is able to decide that with which friend should respect and with whom he have to only keep relations of work.  Because at that time the knowledge of belief and faith develops through his mind.  Then after he goes for any work he is able to decide with which people he has to maintain relativeness and work with them. The knowledge of belief should be good at this time because at this time the people try to cheat him.  Therefore, if he will belive on the right peoples he will only meet to the path of success.
I belive in my parents because that they will always encourage, help and try their best to fulfill my requirements.  Because they always take care about what I want and love me very much.  Along with them, I also belive in my teachers and elders that they will help me to solve every future problem that will come on me.  Because they always teach me to face many difficult conditions in life and always encourage me to progress tin life.  The teachings in my school will help me to spend my whole life with smartness.  Because I would be aware of those things which will occur in my surroundings.  And I would be able to make changes that I can.
I also believe in my friends to whom I think that they are best.  I belive that they will never cheat or leave me in difficult conditions because they help me to solve my problems which I have and if they are unable to do it they try their best towards it.
I belive in nature because it is so much beautiful and just when I put my step in the Natural Environment I feel refreshed and very happy.  I think that I make my house among these trees, flowers and beautiful mountains.  I want to thank that great man or organism who made such a beautiful place and I feel myself very fortunate that I am born in this world as a human being.


One of the highlights for the attendees at the Gala is the live Skype session with the children in India

Gala 2014 was a huge success.  Money raised will be used to meet the needs of the children and their families in Mumbai India. We hope you have enjoyed the Gala.  

The committee who made it all possible: Nirmala, Sonia, Mike, Tania, Marilyn, Jocelyn, Kathleen, Peter ,Paragi.