Tuesday, June 3, 2014




The following are quotes from Tania's report for the Board. 
 Our grade 10 students were studying very well in February and we were very excited about having another month to prepare them .....when...Vijay happened to check the exam schedule on March 3rd to find out that exams were bumped a month due to Elections.  Our first exam was two days later on March 5th!!!
Needless to say we have been busy with many 10-12 hour days cramming and preparing.
All Practical Exams are finished:
March 5th Science - our two students (Jeetu and Sanjay) were the only two kids to write.  We had only managed to teach them 15 experiments out of 30 but we got lucky and the two they had to do we had covered.  The examiner loved them and helped them to get everything written perfectly!
March 12th Painting - Sunil (Our grade 10 student who has passed 4 exams and only needs to pass one more subject) was one of 55 students at the exam.  He had to do a still life ( fruit in the middle of the room), any person and a composition of nature.  He met the head lady before leaving and she told him that he was excellent and that he got first in the still life and second on the person and that the third painting hadn't been marked because it was drying.  Later on in the week when we were studying for the written portion of the course, we found out that the Practical exam is worth 70% of the final mark!  Keeping in mind that 35% is a passing grade, there is no doubt that he received at least 35/70 and that he is now a Grade 10 Graduate!!!
March 14th Math - our four boys went after we worked hard at finishing 22 math 'experiments' (math theorems melded with arts and crafts!).  Once again we got lucky and 3 out of the four experiments that were given they knew and they only had to complete two that day.  Some were able to answer questions better than others, but all did well.  There were only 2 other students at the exam.
March 19th Home Science - 220 students were at the home science exam which was divided into 4 sections.  2 of our 7 students went in the first section and were at a huge disadvantage because the list of supplies that they were supposed to bring was inaccurate.. They think that they did well enough but were disappointed.  The other five students were able to gather everything and felt much better.
March 21st Data Entry - 200 students were in computer science split among four sections.  Our 7 students went at different times and were all pleased with what they were able to do even though the expectations were different for each section. One section was told to do all of the 10 questions given, another group was told to do 4 and the other two groups were told to do 7.  Bizarre!
All in all, fantastic news so far.  We have 8 out of the 13 original students writing.  For the other five, their registration will be valid for 5 years, so hopefully they decide to come back. 
Written exams start on Wednesday March 26th and run every 2 or 3 days until April 12th..

All the exams have now been written.  Everyone is waiting with baited breath and fingers crossed to find out the results.  Results may not be sent until June to August.

We are very proud of all the students, and the teachers who have spent hours preparing the students for this very important milestone in their lives.  Many doors will be open to them if they can get their Grade 10 diplomas.  

I will try to be prompt with sharing the results when they are received.


 Although Kokila has been less diligent in doing her exercises -  (Kokila is the girl with extensive burns on face and neck that many of you contributed to medical assistance to save her life.) - she was studying for exams - she is now a very confident young woman who is accepting of her scars and limited head motions, and who is dancing again.  She is thankful to the One! International community for saving her life. 

Sunil and Ashok  help to pack the family give-away bags for the Nallasopara and Khar Summer Fun Programs.

 All smiles and having a great time at the Annual Swim Day.

The "little" students love having a sink that they can reach and use all by themselves.  What a great idea. 

Cleaning after writing on the walls was supposed to be a punishment.  In the end it was the most fun ever.  Is there a lesson in this.  

I hope you have enjoyed this potpourri of items from India.