Saturday, March 15, 2014

One! International Gala 2014 - Believe

    March 2014


I am going to skip a number of Blogs I've been wanting to post and take you directly to the One! International Gala 2014 - Theme: Believe, that was held on 24 January 2014 in Edmonton.

         The volunteers who made the evening a huge success.  

I will share with you some pictures and videos that hopefully will make you feel you were there with us, or if you were an attendee, I hope you enjoy reliving the evening. 

The first thing I will share is a video that was done by Shaw TV for a series they are doing on 'Galas and Giving'.  Ours was the first in the series. We think they did an incredible job of capturing all the important features of the evening and the work being done in India. 

Gala 2014 - Theme: Believe     

Now you have a small taste of what the evening was like. 

         The beautiful young ladies who danced for the guests. 


Two videos were shown highlighting India, the students, teachers and work being done by One! International.  

The first video shows highlights from One! International in India over several months in 2013. 

[The video is accompanied by the song "Rainbow Connection" sung by Kermit the Frog (Jim Henson). The song was published in 1979 (Fuzzy Muppet Songs), Label Atlantic(1979) Walt Disney. Writers Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher.]

The second video was the highlight of the evening.  The children and staff at the two schools in Mumbai India, share with you what they believe in. Their words are very powerful.   


WOW.  Now you understand why the evening was so fantastic.  

The teachers in India asked the older students to write an essay about what they believe.  The winning essay was by Bineet and it is copied below. 

Topic:  Believe

The word belive straightaway explains to me that having faith in someone that he will never let your feelings and respect towards him to die.  And he will never let his thoughts wasted.  One part of belief is also to trust someone with respect that he will never cheat you in anything in anytime or anywhere in your whole life.
Human life starts with a belief.  When a baby comes in the world he only knows his mother and he only believes in her.  When he get to the age of 5-10 he gets the idea about his father and other relatives and then he is able to trust or believe  them.  When he is in the teen age he makes his own friends and spends time wand after home time he is able to decide that with which friend should respect and with whom he have to only keep relations of work.  Because at that time the knowledge of belief and faith develops through his mind.  Then after he goes for any work he is able to decide with which people he has to maintain relativeness and work with them. The knowledge of belief should be good at this time because at this time the people try to cheat him.  Therefore, if he will belive on the right peoples he will only meet to the path of success.
I belive in my parents because that they will always encourage, help and try their best to fulfill my requirements.  Because they always take care about what I want and love me very much.  Along with them, I also belive in my teachers and elders that they will help me to solve every future problem that will come on me.  Because they always teach me to face many difficult conditions in life and always encourage me to progress tin life.  The teachings in my school will help me to spend my whole life with smartness.  Because I would be aware of those things which will occur in my surroundings.  And I would be able to make changes that I can.
I also believe in my friends to whom I think that they are best.  I belive that they will never cheat or leave me in difficult conditions because they help me to solve my problems which I have and if they are unable to do it they try their best towards it.
I belive in nature because it is so much beautiful and just when I put my step in the Natural Environment I feel refreshed and very happy.  I think that I make my house among these trees, flowers and beautiful mountains.  I want to thank that great man or organism who made such a beautiful place and I feel myself very fortunate that I am born in this world as a human being.


One of the highlights for the attendees at the Gala is the live Skype session with the children in India

Gala 2014 was a huge success.  Money raised will be used to meet the needs of the children and their families in Mumbai India. We hope you have enjoyed the Gala.  

The committee who made it all possible: Nirmala, Sonia, Mike, Tania, Marilyn, Jocelyn, Kathleen, Peter ,Paragi.